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This time round we offer an extended discussion focussing on just one year – 2014. In the UK, Brenda Holmes is working with Norfolk Police to publish video footage of a road collision from the previous year in which her son David died. The footage was recorded using a camera attached to David’s own helmet and it shows – in disturbing detail – what happened when a car turned right across David’s path on the A47.

00:00 / 21:23
A set of British road signs from different eras.

We would love to hear from you if you have an idea to contribute to the Voices from the Road podcast! We have assembled a small editorial panel whose members will consider the merits of your idea. Once it gets the thumbs-up, we can agree the format of your contribution, and how the recording will take place. In its simplest form, it can be done via an online meeting, but if it deserves a little extra attention, then a recording on location or with a group of others is also possible. Do get in touch with your idea!

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